
How to Get Rankings For Your Orange County Web Design

Is it possible to rank a newly launched website? Old-school, black-hat SEO strategies may have been effective during the age of Web 1.0 decades ago. Still, they are ineffective today since Google releases updates and algorithm changes without warning and because SEO is more concerned with content and its users. But is it possible to rank your website swiftly with SEO? Yes, it is still the answer. 

Here are some SEO strategies to help you type quickly, even if you’re new to the Orange County web design game:

1. Use Long Tail Keywords

First, you will want to use long-tail keywords to function like a professional web design company in Anaheim. These are the kinds of keywords that have more than four words. The cause? According to Marketing Hub, long-tail keywords have less competition than their short-tail counterparts, making it easier for your website to rank on Google’s first few pages. If you focus on three long-tail keywords, it might not have much of an impact on your website traffic, but when you have 12 or more, things start to get interesting! 

Additionally, using long-tail keywords results in higher web conversion rates than doing so with short-tail keywords. Why? If you properly optimize your website with the long-tail keywords, they’re looking for you. You just don’t receive traffic since people searching for long-tail keywords already know what they are looking for and want. And you get sales. How much traffic can long-tail keywords bring you? Long-tail keywords account for 80% of organic traffic. Furthermore, if you employ short-tail search engines, your website has little chance against Wikipedia’s dominance of the search results pages! That is how you genuinely think, like some of the top web design companies in Irvine.

2. Make sure the SEO foundation of your website is strong. 

When I refer to a “strong SEO foundation,” I mean that it should begin with the development of the website. Install an SEO plugin to help with your SEO efforts, and pick a theme and platform that are simple for readers to navigate, quick to load, and mobile-friendly. Your website should be built using WordPress, the most well-liked and widely-used CMS.

3. Write content regularly! 

As I’ve already indicated, search engines give websites a ranking based on how content-driven they are, so use this SEO strategy to make sure Google notices your website. Keep a consistent stream of it to acquire ranks and keep your position at the top since search engines have a way of figuring out whether your website contains fresh content. Fresher content and newer websites are excellent news for Google.

4. Promote your content on whatever platforms you are on. 

How will your website attract users and visitors if you upload material and let it sit there? Share it on social media, emails, forums for your sector, blog comments, and with bloggers and industry influencers. The more your content is shared, the more likely people will find and visit your new website.

5. Avoid rushing to share your website if it isn’t complete. 

Do not allow Google’s bots to crawl your website if it is still in the setup phase. Create a robot.txt and tag it with “no index, no follow” until it is finished and prepared to be crawled by the search engines. Once your website is correctly configured, and all the details are taken care of, you can remove these tags. 

Orange County web design and SEO go hand in hand. If anyone says otherwise, they’re full of nonsense!

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